Danger Mouse 4eva

Thursday, February 10, 2005


Howdy folks, just recently got back from a 2 night stay in Newcastle. The main reason was my choral scholarship audition, but I also timed it with an open day so I could have another look around the uni, as accomodation still needed to be chosen.

The plan was originally to go stay with my cousin, who lives in the nearby town of Pegswood, but she had some business trip or somethin', so we ended up just staying in her house, the mother and I. Got a taxi from the airport, and of course we had to pick the driver who didn't know where he was going... he asked us which way we normally go when we got in & we didn't know well enough. So yeah, he said he knew it, but we ended up in some other town, him asking "Is any of this familiar?" ... When we hadn't even seen a sign to Pegswood, let alone followed one yet. Anyway, got there in the end, & he tried to charge us the full amount for the whole trip... cheeky bastard. Got a reasonable price in the end, thankfully. Then, on arriving at my cousin's house, we were getting prepared to get inside quickly & type in the security code, that had been texted to us... only to find it was the wrong code... sigh. Cue frantic calls to cousin while security box bleeps wildly... Anyway, once we'd gotten in properly, there was a freshly baked chocolate cake in the kitchen, and a bag of Jelly Babies & some Terry's Chocolate Orange segments in ma room :D

So, next mornin' was the cathedral appointment - the choir director's a southerner of some sorts & he's a good laugh. Had a warm-up, sung my 2 pieces, bodged up a couple of times, did some German sight reading :S bodged up even more, then sat down for a lil chat while the dude printed off some info for me. He asked if my place at Newcastle was definite, I said it was & then he says "Well I can guarantee you a choral scholarship then." Except... he wasn't looking at me when he said it & I didn't really realise what he was saying. I was expecting a letter in the post in a few weeks or somethin', but he just offered it on the spot :D So after I'd got my head around what he was actually saying, I was a happy bunny. Tis a big commitment though - rehearsals nearly every day, two Sunday services (inc. 9am practice beforehand), but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna take it, the only thing being what else I'd wanna do at uni including other musical stuff - could be some clashes & some serious lack of free time if things build up. But it being a scholarship, I'd obviously get paid - £800 a year, plus there are extra days I'd get paid more for:) Then the rest of the day was spent lookin' round the city a little - am pretty impressed, although I unfortunately forgot to take my camera, so no pics today, I'm afraid.

Wednesday was the Open Day - had a tour round the accomodation in the morning & have now decided on the catered halls, closest to the main university site - no surprise there, but had a look around & 'twas nice, let's just hope I can get in. I don't really have an advantage over those who haven't had their A level results yet - we all get sent forms at the same time, but I know exactly what i want, so should be able to send it off straight away. I'll be doing Combined Studies at Newcastle - which is 3 subjects (for the first year at least). It was the only way to do French & Chinese, plus I thought I'd want to do something other than a language, as I've no idea what career to pursue. So... I think I've finally decided on Computing Science. It won't be the full course, obviously - just a third. Was thinkin' of something accountancy / financy to begin with, but am not too bothered. Saw a few fitties & got a few looks ;) and got chatted up by some irish girl on the plane home :S Had just sat down, started to read Abhorsen, when she (next to me) says "So what are you reading there?" 8-) Sigh. I was reading the last 20 pages of an awesome fantasy trilogy... huge battle between good & evil, yeah? Wouldn't have minded finishing it, yeah? But noooo. Lol nah had a nice chat & she asked for my number at the end. I gave it to her, but alas, she was not such a fittie & interrupted a good book, so no chance there:P

Anyway, am back down south now, & off cooking in Somerset next week:P Peace out.