Danger Mouse 4eva

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

A walk in the country, P2, and how I'm one of the lucky ones.

Afternoon all - just been on a nice walk with Prill:) Tis nice to get out and about, 'specially when I ain't feelin' all so brill, and il fait très beau. So, apart from the constant "Argh!", "Owwww!" and "Jimmiiii!" due to the rather large growths of stinging nettles, brambles and thistles (:P hehe) twas very nice. I managed to get through without being stung or pricked, with shorts on:P So much for Prill's luck, even with slightly rolled up jeans. Ah well, she managed to pick some flowers... ahem... even though they're all pretty much dead now...

Anyway, feel miles better than yesterday, now that I've taken my two sorts of anti-nausea pills. I would write about our lovely stay in at the hospital, but Prill got there first:P so have a look there first if ya like. Lol @ Jim:P So anyway - looks like I won't be taking P3 after all. Will have to take some P2 notes to Center Parcs then - so I ain't getting it quite that easy, since I had given up on P2, coz I didn't think I'd be taking it... so I gotta learn it all over again. Anyway, that should be fine, coz it's only a little before my next treatment.

Oh yeah - read an article in the Mail the other day, while at Springfield. It was about a drug called MabThera, which is used to treat patients with NHL (what I've got). It turns out that only half of NHL patients are being given the drug (at NHS hospitals at least), due to costs. Without MabThera, survival rates for this type of cancer are about 50%. Pretty scary. But this fairly recent wonder-drug increases survival (especially in young patients) to around 95%. As I'm lucky enough to be in a private hospital, I don't have to worry about obtaining this treatment. Usually, a course of MabThera costs around £9,000 - and that's just one of the drugs. So I think my mum's family cover is gonna pay itself off pretty quickly:P So anyway, 5,000 die every year from what I have at the moment, coz the Department of Health doesn't seem to have enough money to pay for so many patients. Apparently they "are aware there are some issues around the availability of cancer drugs" and will be publishing a report soon. That's great. Of course they don't have to worry, coz they probs earn enough money for themselves and their families to be paid for should they ever develop a cancer. Yeah I know, I spose they have to spend money on loadsa other things as well, but it's still a great shame. And most of the time it depends on where you live - whether the drug is available or not. In some places like Yorkshire, only one in five patients are receiving MabThera, whereas in other places (probably like London) numbers are better, but still not brilliant. Sigh. Seems like I'm a lucky one in that respect.

Anyway, am gonna try and help Prill play Prince of Persia now (...ahem...gamer...) coz I keep hearing annoyed grunts and "oh.. d'oh!" :P hehe. So that'll do for now - catch ya later. Good luck to anyone who's got P3 tomorrow, or any other exams soon:)

Peace out.