Danger Mouse 4eva

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Finalement, je blogue...

Well - here ya go, it's what you've all been waiting for: the blog of the cancerous freak. Prill finally persuaded me to set it up:P So now I've just got the small matter of thinkin' what to write...

Mebbe the "what I've done today" thing will spark some ideas:P Well.. I went for the usual blood tests this morning. This time I managed without the numbing stuff on my arm and I didn't even have to hold Prill's hand! Aren't I a big boy? :P Hehe, nah I used to be pretty bad with needles. When I was in Broomfield (before they'd figured out what was wrong with me, and before I went private and started treatment), it was probably about an hour before I let them put a needle in me, having already had 'em in my arm earlier that day - I'd had enough:P But now, having had more than my fair share of needles, they ain't all that bad. Same goes for pills.

Anyway... oh yeah - just in case I haven't rubbed it in anyone's face yet - I'm off to Center Parcs next week, after having (hopefully) finished my last exam. Teehee. My consultant's doin' some letters to excuse me from the rest of my exams, having done the minimum possible to get 3 A-levels. If I ain't feelin' well on the day next week, I can take another one instead, after I get back. Which incidentally, in no way is likely to be mechanics, due to the crappicity of a certain teacher and, as a result, the unwillingness of a certain self to go to any mechanics lessons.

Anywayz, Prill wants food, so I'm off. Oh yeah - tell me what ya think me blog, if you're that way inclined. Hope you're all having at least reasonable half terms... as I'm sure most are thinking they haven't done enough work yet, myself included.
