Danger Mouse 4eva

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Back by popular demand

...well actually back coz of Rob's incessant nagging, but hey. Naaah jus' kiddin':P. So anyhow - I've been at Center Parcs if anyone's forgotten that they were meant to be jealous. And since I had my first and last written exam, you can probably expect to see at least a little more blog:P Oh yeah - I'm trying to figure out how to widen the text box thingy - will do it a.s.a.p. to make it an easier read.

Anyway - woohoo!!! Prill just gave me my very early birthday pressie - most of you probably already knew what it was, but anyway - a Gameboy Advance SP & Super Mario. Suffice to say there is a very happy Jimmy at the other end of this blog:D My birthday's in such an annoying place - right after the hols, so I don't get a chance to play:P teehee - such a kid.

Had a nice relaxing time at Center Parcs, but it wasn't without it hiccups... I think I'll get the most embarassing one out of the way first - yes, I fell off my bike. Goin' round a corner behind me mam, she braked, so did I, lost me footing, fell off. Cue some nice grazes. It caned to start with - but I was fine after a while. Except that coz of my treatment, I had to get my bullet wounds (think I'll stick to the Solo invasion of France story) inspected, cleaned and dressed every day in case they get infected, as my immune system is so low.

It's a lil bit weird - the way you recognize a cancer patient is by their baldness, lack of energy & lack of appetite (although I do my best to fight the latter and just stuff myself anyway). But of course all those things come from being treated - they're nothing to do with the cancer directly. So it's the ones who don't know they have cancer, and are actually dying inside, that look like they're ok, at least until later on. Whilst I, having had a rather nasty cough that wasn't actually the cancer speaking, but a bronchial infection brought on by those unusual chest growths of mine (no, not the Will P style ones), am the one suffering, only to be healed in the end. Fairly obvious I spose, but I just read it in Lance Armstrong's autobiography and felt like puttin' it in. For those of you that don't know, Lance Armstrong is an American world class cyclist who got cancer - diagnosed pretty late, was told his chances were less than 40%, and still pulled through. Quite a good book if you're interested - I never thought I'd read a sports book, but Mr. Thomson lent it to me, so I felt obliged, and I ended up with a very satisfying read.

So yeah - back to Center Parcs - the wildlife was awesome - nothing I've never seen before, but they're all so tame - you can get nice n close. Well, ok most of the time you can get close. It's the annoying little kids whose parents don't discipline them enough that do the damage. They'll jump over the barriers, run around and shout their heads off - which I saw a few times - once when I was very obviously trying to take a few nice pics. What did the parents do? Almost nothing - just an annoyed "come on" and that's it. So all the animals ran away, and I was left with my camera pointing at the empty trees. Grrrrr:@ lol. I said a few annoyed words to my mum, and she says:
"What? You were like that once."
No I wasn't. Yeah I might have been an annoying kid, but I never did something like that - the odd pigeon in the park maybe, but that's about it.
I reckon most kids could do with a bit more discipline:P Lol I don't plan to beat my kids to a pulp or anything, but I dunno, saw so many careless parents in my week away.

So anyway here's a few pics for ya, they aint great quality, but didn't wanna make 'em too big on here:

Hehe - I like this pic... cheeky lil squirrel pikin' all the birdfeed.

I asked the falconry man to set his bird on the little kids, but he said he'd lose his job. Spoil sport.

Ahem... how did this get here? Lol i couldn't resist.

Oh yeah - I went to their massage parlour as well:P lol. I went for a back, neck, shoulder and face massage - I was in for a nice relaxing hour and a bit. That was until I had to fill in a health form... so, the masseuse asks:
"If you don't mind me asking sir, what is the serious illness or cancer that you have had in the last 5 years?"
"Erm... I have cancer now."
"Is it in the lymph system?"
"Oh - I'm afraid we can't give you a full massage then - we're not allowed."

AAAAARGhslkdehfloircgn;rc. Ahem... Grrr... anyway. So I just had a face massage, but she suggested something else for free, which was nice. So I had a complimentary "Reiki" ... which is kinda spiritual - a buddhist thing I believe, about various energies in the body. Anyway, it just involves gently holding places on the body, which made my head go numb, and made me feel a gentle pulsating feeling all down my arms. Kinda weird, kinda cool, very relaxing.

Right then... I think that'll about do me for today - hope you enjoyed it. I'm in for an evening of films & SP... In case I don't blog again for a few days - good luck to everyone doing M2 and Chemistry;)
