Danger Mouse 4eva

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Haircuts, pics and radioactivity

Right, it's been a while, but I think it's about time. First of all, I now I have enough hair to have haircuts!!! Yep, had my first haircut in about 8 months a while ago, and have had another since. Anyway, my Christmas was all good - partial thanks to my new digicam, along with a 128Mb memory card & a waterproof sealable case so I can take it scuba diving :D Can't wait to try it out.

Oh yeah - I was at a wedding at my local church a while ago, and the bride was a Ryanair Air Hostess. So my mum asked me, since I fly every now & then:

Mum: Have you seen her?
Me: No, I don't fly Ryanair
Mum: Oh you fly on jetski...
Me: Yes mum, I fly a jetski...
Mum: Oh you know what I mean.

Lol, sighage, rents - who'd 'ave 'em eh? Lol and then later on my stomach started rumbling in the quiet bits in between the wedding vows - 'Do you, wassisname, take wassername, in thingy & thingy' *rumble rumble* ... 'I do'.

Anyway before Chrimbo, I had my CT scan - won't find out the results til a week on friday though. There was an indian lookin' gal doin' helping with my scan this time, who was pretty fit I suppose, and yeah I was lying down ready to be scanned, while they were getting everything ready. Then that gal starts absently, gently poking my stomach whilst talking to the other person... and then started poking lower, and err... got quite low :$ and I swear I got some looks & smiles from her on the way out... Anyway the lady who was giving me the injection for it wasn't sure whether she'd gotten the needle in the vein properly, until I started spurting blood everywhere - "Ah, that'd be it then." So then they had to go mop it all up :P not that there was too much.

Then, after Christmas, had a nice lil visit from Prill avant New Year, when we went to see We Will Rock You, which was great, apart from Prill's constant commments about how the main guy wasn't as fit as the guy who used to do it:P Nah but I agree he wasn't as good for the part. But still enjoyed the show & the company:)

And then there was new year :D and since I had my new digicam, I now have my own piccies to post for once:D

The Dirty Half Dozen

Les Feux d'Artifice

The Drunk0r / The Ston0r

The Standing 69ers

The 3some

Ooooh... Pwetty Shoooes

Who wants that pic for Will P's next kr3w blog photo? PLEHCE YOUR VOTES NOW!!! And here's a vid of Drunk Will - look out for the angry strangers:P Probs have to 'save target as...'. Anyway, had a good'un in Edinburgh:D

Guess what? I am currently quite literally radioactive! w00t - fear me everyone:P But yeah, seriously, I had a 'Radionuclide Ventriculography' done this morning. It was coz my heart might have taken a battering from chemo, so just seeing if it's pumping properly & stuff. It first of all consisted of two injections, the second of which was a dose of Technetium 99, which apparently has a half-life of 6 hours, so since they didn't give me much in the first place, I won't have much, if any in a few days time. But still, pretty kewl, although I have yet to discover my superhuman powers :( so if there are any supers / ex-supers out there, then lemme know how to do stuff plz. kthx. But I have been warned not to spend extended periods of time in contact with children, as not to expose them to unnecessary radiation... and if I wanted to fly somewhere over the next few days, since many international airports have radiation detectors, I'd have to have a letter from London Quantum Imaging explaining my radioactivity. Anyway, then they took some speshul pictures of some sort. And yeah - there's something I'm not sure about, so if any of you scientists out there could explain, I'd be grateful. Radiotherapy means exposure to radiation, whereas the injection I've just had is actually putting radioactive substance inside, which would of course irradiate me or whatever. But... does exposure to radiation leave you radioactive? It's just they never told me after radiotherapy that I'd be radioactive, & they have done for todays injections. So if anyone can shed any light on that, t'would be appreciated.

Anyway, won't find out 'til Tuesday how that went, apart from that more checkups n stuff, so yeah, that'll do for now, hope you enjoyed the pics.

Eat fruit!