Danger Mouse 4eva

Friday, March 11, 2005

Horse kills chicken at last

A week's work finished:) And god am I knackered. These past few months I've just been bumming around, and now suddenly I'm on my feet all the time. They ache big time. I have a 15 minute walk in, then I'm walkin' around delivering & picking up all day, then a 15 minute walk back, surprisingly enough:P But yeah, anyway, I'm damned glad I've found an industrial estate where I can park for free - otherwise it costs nearly £5 a day. That'd be £100 by the time I've finished working in Chelmsford. Oh and for those of you that are / were confused, it's just a temporary position - there's nothin' gonna stop me going to Nice in April :D

My hours are 8am - 4:30pm, so I get up at 6ish, & have breakfast nice 'n early. Which means that by the time I'm walkin' in, I'm starvin' :P and there's a bakery type place on the way in, that does £1 bacon baps ... Mmm... damn I'm so tempted... but I have resisted so far:P It's not like I'm dieting or anything... heh obviously, am just trying not to waste money on food if I can possibly help it.

I realised half way through my first day, that I'd been to the Chelmsford ECC before - a group of us from school went & played some random music in the foyer a few years back for some unknown reason:P Ooh - I have my own security pass :D with access to everywhere since I go 'round everywhere delivering 'n stuff. 'Tis only a temporary one obviously, but yuh still - makes me feel important:P lol. Or not. Ooh if ever anyone wants to get into the County Council system, then the guy opposite me leaves his username & password on a post-it stuck to his keyboard... so yuh, hardly any 1337 madskillz required there.

There's a guy working in one of the other post rooms that has Down's syndrome, and he's unfortunately called Timmy. Although luckily I've heard no one pick up on the fact. He comes round to our post room dropping stuff off etc. - apparently he's been working at Essex County Council for 16-17 years now. My boss, or 'Post Co-ordinator', said it was coz it was a 'big thing' employing people like that back then. He was in a post room with quite a lot of people to begin with, all of whom looked after him. Then things changed & moved around, & he got placed in a smaller room, and now they think that he can't handle the job. I mean, he seems to manage fine, it's just he doesn't do things that efficiently. Which means that people get annoyed with him. They don't shout at him or anything, they just talk about him behind his back. I don't like some of the things the two guys in my office say, but meh, I can't really do anything about it. They don't say horrible things, but it's pretty damn obvious they don't want him working there. Those are the two permanent guys & then there's a nicer part-time bloke who works a few hours a day. I mean they're all a good laugh, just those two can sometimes be a bit... bitter? Something like that. But I just nod & say 'Yeah...' :\ Anyway, forgive my ignorance, but to be honest, Timmy's a bit more 'with it' than I expected. I've never known or spoken to someone with Down's syndrome. But yeah he's nice. He comes up & said 'How's things?' & shakes my hand every now & then. I dunno what it is, but I feel relaxed whenever he comes in, and a kinda warmth almost. Yeah I spose some of it's sympathy & whatever, I dunno... probs coz I know he isn't someone who's gonna come in & start talking about the West Ham game last night:P

Heh, and these two guys were talking about their sons - they're both 50s ish. One of them basically said - that he couldn't watch the footy last night, coz his son & girlfriend turned up & announced that they were now engaged... lol well ok, it wasn't said just like that - he was obviously pleased & happy for them & was just messin' around a bit. Lol but still, he is a little football obsessed.

Ah yes - I had forgotten it was Red Nose Day yesterday, until I saw people wearing them & other red items. Lol the best bit's seeing people getting stressed & annoyed when they're wearing a red wig or somethin'. Ooh but on the 2nd floor there was a raffle for a load of easter eggs! I was busy at the time, so I thought, right, I'll come back & get a ticket on my next round... and guess what? Yep... all gone :'(

If you ever begin to wonder where your precious taxes will be going in future - I can give you a clue: Essex County Council are paying £18,500 for a sculpture. Not sure where it's planned for, and I'm not sure exactly where the money's come from - it's a special fund of some sort. But wherever it's come from, it still makes me wonder what else it could be spent on... I mean sure, it's nice to have art around the place, and yeah - the kind of things they're looking at are fairly big, so sculptors would have to spend a fair chunk of time on them, and may well be worth the money for some people, just not me I don't think. Especially with some of the just-about-working-but-very-temperamental-and-out-of-date machinery we have in the post room:P

Hmm... I'm not sure it's a good thing me working in Chelmsford town centre. On my first day I nearly bought 2 DVDs in the High Chelmer HMV, but decided to restrain myself, though very tempted. Need to save for the gap year. Fortunately, the new parking is not only free & keeps me fit (ugh), the route also doesn't go past the shops, so yeah, hopefully I'll only go if I know there's something I need.

Went for a full body massage today :D yep, finally, I've had my way - you may remember I got refused at Center Parcs. But yuh, me mam had a free gym pass etc. for her posh london gym, so I went & gymmed, swam, steamed & then had a massage in the afternoon :D It was an oriental gal / lady, and hell she was good. I mean sure, it's her job, but at times I could have sworn she wasn't using her hands, more like a special hi-tech massaging machine or somethin' :P Anyway, 'twas nice 'n relaxing. She did ma back, neck, legs, *turns over*, legs, feet (oooh yeah that felt good), stomach, shoulders, & scalp. Lol dammit why do I still have to be ticklish. :P I didn't giggle or anything, but I had to think 'It's relaxing dammit, not ticklish' a few times:P Oh, and yeah - Massage --> Ma-sah-gi --> (Chinese Translation) Horse kills chicken :P Apologies.

For those of you who don't know & also for those of you who should be jealous: BT are upgrading their broadband service to 2Mb for free! It depends on the area etc, so we might not get it quite that fast, but fingers crossed... We're on 512k at the moment, but mmm... just think... that'd be awesome:D And I have some good news to proclaim: Jim has proposed to me :D:D:D Uh huh. I think he only wants me for my broadband, but hey, I'm not complaining. Heh and apparently he has plans for his Ka, but I'll leave him to tell you about that:P

Ooh - have forgotten to stick this in my last blog or two. Go here if you haven't already, and even if you have, go there again... now! Go have a listen to the samples & if you like 'em, then buy it dudes. I have my copy :D 'tis all crackin' stuff. And, all the money goes to Macmillan Cancer Relief - which I'm obviously very happy about endorsing. Except for the ugly elven lady on the front page. Dude, you can't have ugly elves anyway. It's just wrong. But apart from that - go buy it! :D 'Tis only £6 :)

Eat fruit.