Danger Mouse 4eva

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Thoughts of a Dying Atheist

First off, was on the way back from the Sunday service this mornin' on the metro, & had the delight of sitting facing a mother of about 20, with a lil girl in a pushchair. As soon as she got on the train, she was effin' 'n' blindin', so first impressions not so good eh. But then she grabs her kid out of the pushchair & literally chucks her a fair distance onto the opposite seat, muttering something or other. The girl landed quite painfully, & starts crying, for which she got a "Shut the fuck up.". The hell is that about? Sigh, the kid was probably a mistake. I reckon people should have to apply to Venus for gonads or summut. Spose it'd be a bit ridiculous like in Demolition Man though... ah well, life's just unfair.

Anyway, lookin' back, Scotland was ossum & paintballing has to be repeated as much as is humanly & financially possible. Got a bit too much work so far, along with too many choir commitments. Singing the usual tuesday, thursday, friday & twice on sunday, plus some random saturday stuff recently. Plus we just recorded a new CD - with Christmas stuff on, that'll be out come end of November. Just got our own copies of the CD we recorded in spring - tis quite kewl - we recorded 3 French masses. Linky to the first track on the CD - has a mix of awesome loud organ & choral bits plus some quieter bits. I'm singin' bass - first voices you hear XD Just click Download File near the top if you fancy a listen.

The kids are on half term this week, so got a break from choir for a bit - leaving me time to host Mr. T himself. We're off to see Newcastle play Charlton at St. James' Park on saturday. Then JiMmEiSt0r the weekend after that, aaand got a couple tickets to see Muse here in Newcastle on the 19th November - never seem 'em live before, so can't wait XD They were sold out by the time I realised they were coming, but thanks to the copious supplies of overpriced eBay tickets, *sigh* I'm goin'.

Well that's about it for now - except for a Happy Birthday for Villimach ;)

Eat shellfish.