Danger Mouse 4eva

Monday, August 16, 2004

Why can't we all just... get along?

Why is it that humans hate? Why do we have to get angry, and get annoyed? I spose we just can't seem to help it sometimes. But quite often, a while afterwards the things that deeply annoyed us seem so petty - so what's the point in getting annoyed about them at the time, if they don't matter later on anyway? Like... if a relative or someone changes the TV channel when you're watching something good, then you get annoyed, yuh? But in a year's time, or even in a few weeks time, will it really matter? So then, why get annoyed in the first place? Why not just voice your opinion, and stay calm & chilled. Why not? Because your missing precious seconds of your TV show, that's why. Coz that's all that matters right then and there, coz that's what your focusing all your attention to. But in the big picture, it's nada. Ok, so that is a petty example, but even more important things than TV (there are more important things than television?) don't really matter in the long run.

Well ok, it's normal to get annoyed - it's human. I'm not saying everyone should be happy all the time, coz otherwise being happy wouldn't be as good, comparatively. I don't really have a problem with people getting annoyed about little things - I mean if you're not at least slightly selfish in life, then you might not get very far. But it's when people go out of their way to annoy you that I really can't understand. The main inspiration for this blog was the humiliating and frustrating of a friend of mine. Not many of the people likely to read this blog know who he is. Some ex-friends of his, having got hold of his internet-related passwords, decided to delete various internet accounts of his, and also reduced his MSN profile to a pathetic display of obscenities and insults. Now, to start with - I don't know much of his history with these people, as I'm not that close to him. But still, he hasn't admitted to me that he's done anything wrong in the first place, so I'm going to presume that he is innocent, and has done nothing that would provoke anything like this. Why do people do this? I really don't understand how people can get pleasure, even if it is in revenge, out of malicious acts like this.

I don't get why some people swear so much as well. When you're angry, then yeah sure, swear if you have to - I've been known to every now and then. But it's the people that swear constantly, aiming it at people for no reason. I know that they're only words, when you think about it, so why be so fussy? Who cares? It's only coz some people think they're offensive, and shouldn't be used, so others think they 'have the right' to use them, coz they can do what they like. Other people just... use them and don't really think about it. I don't mind people swearing - I don't get offended very easily from hearing people say naughty words:P But I just try not to say 'em myself, coz, well that way you're not gonna offend anyone, and I just don't feel the need to.

An example would be when I went to the Dunmow industrial estate snack wagon for a bacon sarnie with my dad. The bloke who owns it (called Harry) is a funny bloke - tells the odd dirty joke, which I don't mind at all. But one of his customers is a rather large fellow, who has to use crutches to support himself, due to his weight. He drove up to the snack wagon, and just about everything he said was taking the piss out of someone (mainly Harry), or swearing. He began with rather tame things like "Is there anything actually f***ing edible here Harry?", and later moved on to "You know what I should do, Harry? Stick my d*** in your ear and f*** some sense into you." Ahem... Anyway I spose I don't really disapprove actually... he can do what he likes. I found it quite funny, although some of the things he said took me by surprise. But I just don't get why people do it:P spose if you're brought up by parents who do the same...

Anywayz, that'll about do me for tonight - a random compilation of thoughts & opinions. And as I think people should try to be happy at least most of the time, I've decided to add an amusing extract from the birthday present I gave my dad. Everybody heard of Schott's Original Miscellany? Well he'd already got that - he likes reading random stuff like that. So I got him "Shite's Unoriginal Miscellany", by "A. Parody". Hehe it's all good stuff.

"The Strategic Management Bible:

In the beginning was the plan.
And then came the Assumptions.
And the Assumptions were without form.
And the Plan was completely without substance
and the darkness was upon the face of the workers
and they spoke among themselves, saying:
'It is a crock of s**t and it stinketh.'
And the workers went unto the supervisors and sayeth:
'It is a pile of dung and none may abide the odour thereof.'
And the supervisors went unto their Managers and sayeth unto them:
'It is a container of excrement and it is very strong,
such that none may abide by it.'
And the Managers went unto their Directors and sayeth:
'It is a vessel of fertiliser, and none may abide its strength.'
And the Directors spoke amongst themselves, saying to one another:
'It contains that which aids plant growth, and it is very strong.'
And the Directors wen unto CEO and sayeth unto him:
'It promotes growth and is very powerful.'
And the CEO went unto the Chairman and sayeth unto him:
'This new plan will actively promote the growth and efficiency
of this Organisation, and in these areas in particular.'
And the Chairman looked upon the Plan, and saw that it was good,
and the Plan became Policy.
This is How S**t Happens."

Wednesday, August 04, 2004


So, for those of you that don't know, I'm having another 2 chemos to finish it off. Went to see the doc, and he showed me my latest scan - there's a tiny bit left. It could just be scarring that won't harm me at all, but to be on the safe side, I'm having some more:) I don't really mind - it doesn't seem that bad now - now that I've got the hang of it all. Not like my first treatment, when I was pretty damn nervous, not knowing what the hell was gonna happen to me...:P

Anyway, I have a little story to tell:P My dad needed to take his car in for a service, and since they'd run out of courtesy cars, I needed to follow him there and bring him back home in the morning, and take him there & follow him back in the afternoon, capiche? So I followed him there, he dropped off his car, I brought him back - fine. On the way back to the Mitsubishi garage in the afternoon, however, there was loads of traffic - apparently two lorries had collided further ahead, and a road had to be shut down... which meant we were moving about one car length, then waiting ages, then another car length:P So anyway, my dad phoned up the garage to say that we were gonna be late - and we probably wouldn't get there until after closing time. So they agree to leave his car just around the corner, all locked up (coz my dad had a spare set of keys with him).

So, we pick up my dad's car alright, and we're on our way back, and I'm following behind him. Anywayz, the traffic was still blocked up on the other side of the road, and amid all the slow traffic, a motorcyclist seemed to have hit something, and slid off. There was an ambulance there n' all... - all on the other side. So we're going past the accident, and I glance over, look back at the road, and my dad's braking in front of me. I had to brake fairly sharply, but nothing too drastic, and I come to a stop - no problem. I just started to look around - to the other side of the road, when I hear a huge screeching. I start to think something like "Heh - not another accident over there..." when suddenly - BAM, straight into the back of me... So as soon as it happens, I wave out the window to my dad - he had obviously heard it, but just letting him know it was me. Anywayz everyone pulls over, stops, and gets out.

I wasn't sure whether I'd done anything wrong to start with, but I knew that the guy should have kept a bigger distance between him and me. So anyway - my dad comes over and asks what happened - and the guy admitted "Well, I was looking over at the accident, as you do, and by the time I looked back, the traffic in front had stopped." Anyway, we exchanged names, addresses & telephone numbers. So, it seems that I shouldn't have a problem - it was his fault, and after thinking about it, I didn't really do anything wrong - I could have stopped slightly sooner, but that wouldn't have miraculously made him look where he was going:P Gonna ring up the insurance company tomorrow, but it should be fine - his insurance company should pay for it all.

As for me, I'm fine, just absolutely knackered at the end of it all - getting up at 8:15am this morning, driving most of the day, and then this to finish it off:P My car's not too bad at all - the boot outer casing's just been pushed in about a centimetre or two. His car, on the other hand, was in a slightly more serious condition:P The front had folded in a little - so he's got a nice crumpled area around his Peugeot logo:P He was about 20ish & had a teenaged girl in the back of the car, who was crying by the time she got out:( nm - weren't too bad, no one hurt:)

So, there we go, I'm knackered, and am off to bed. Lol I hope it doesn't take a car crash to get me to blog again:P - I'll do my best.

Peace out.