Danger Mouse 4eva

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Santa's coming, have you been good?

At last, I have a job! Reed deigned to call me up after an all nighter with Villi, saying work for us tomorrow kthxbye. I was not impressed - you shoulda heard me on the phone with them, I was all like "You're damned lucky I need the money, otherwise I would have to come over there and set you up the bomb." So anyway, I started work on Tuesday - at Essex County Council, for whom I worked in my gap year, twice. I'm in the 'Disclosure' department, which mainly processes Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) forms - criminal record checks for teachers & the like, for whichever employers want them done basically. 'Tis just boring office stuff, but you get to see someone's criminal record when they've applied for a job, which can be quite interesting... Keeps me busy anyhow, hopefully it'll last me for a few weeks before they catch up with their workload. Plus it's gotten me reading again, thank the Lord.

... By the way, that site has now been banned from some European Google search results, due to the amount of 'unjustified' hate in it, & there's more of an opposition to it. Whatever you do don't sign the petition against it, more people should be able to stumble onto an entertaining read like this - have a look if you haven't already followed Jim's link to it. I found an essay on it about computer games, and how they are the work of the devil. I was just gonna link it, but having reading it, Ima have to write something about it.

Here's the linky anyway. It's obviously a bit old, as it refers to the original Quake as a 'recent offering'.

"In this article, I'm trying to focus on how Satan uses these games to help increase the population of Hell ... Doom, by Id Software, is considered by many to be the greatest game of all time. Its graphics and eerie sounds and music are probably the creepiest on the market. But why are there so many satanic symbols found in the game??"

Hmm... maybe because the whole game is about fighting demons from hell? Come back to me on that one.

"When exiting the shareware version of the game, you will see a screen with more info about what is in the full registered version. Here's what a section of it says:

"… Sure, don't order DOOM. Sit back with your milk and cookies and let the universe go to Hell. Don't face the onslaught of demons and spectres that await you on The Shores of Hell. Avoid the terrifying confrontations with cacodemons and lost souls that infest Inferno.

Or, act like a man! Slap a few shells into your shotgun and let's kick some demonic butt. Order the entire DOOM trilogy now! After all, you'll probably end up in Hell eventually. Shouldn't you know your way around before you make the extended visit? …"

This is a good example of how Satan, working behind the curtains, likes to make himself subtle and put into the ranks of Santa (Satan?) Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy."

Doom... Tooth Fairy... Doom... Tooth Fairy... I know there's a link in there somewhere... just give me a minute...


He waffles on about the many pentagrams in Doom, and talks of some other games, including Afterlife, which has some amusing aspects. More are talked about on the Christian site, but my favourite is that if you run out of money, The Four Surfers of the Apocalypso come and own you. Moving on, apparently Nine Inch Nails made the instrumental soundtrack for Quake - something I didn't know. He goes on to bash NIN a bit, quoting some lyrics, and then:

"Trent Reznor also has an instrumental only song called "Help me i am in Hell". Seeing the path he's chosen, it might not be too long before the song title becomes a reality for him!! Hopefully he will repent and get saved before it is too late for him."

Well, sell my soul and call me Sarah Ipstown from Tasmania, I do believe he may just see the light after reading one of your essays, Andrew. Next up is a quote including a Q&A from the Quake instruction manual.

"Q: Are you guys Satanists?

A: No.

Yet again, they treat the whole thing as a joke..."

A joke? Well now, they were hardly going to admit it with people like you about were they? This way, they get to keep their jobs & can carry on making satanically influenced games. Everybody wins.

He goes on to knock Duke Nukem, Warcraft and Diablo. He's now crossed the line.

Nearly every game he mentions involves fighting the minions of hell, now surely that's not such a bad thing? I would have thought that a mouthful of lead is more effective than praying that the ugly evil thing in front of you begs for forgiveness from God. Makes for a better game too - last time I checked, EA's Bible Basher division wasn't doing so well. Surely there's nothing wrong with sticking some pentagram graffiti along the way, probably more popular with the demons than a "Wot no blueberry muffins" Chad. Now, the diehard Christian like Andrew, would probably contest this by saying that just putting these symbols into a commercial game, makes the gamer accustomed to them.

"Satan is getting everyone prepared for his worship, and these games are a great way for him to do that. The games can be fun, but in order to play the game you must look at these symbols. And as people look at them more, they consider them usual, and it won't be long before they get interested in occult activities."

Don't you think that's taking a bit too far? I'm willing to bet that there are more people worshipping Satan as a result of opinions like these, than the games themselves. Plus, anyone who's that impressionable must have something wrong with them anyway. Also, this site has many a piccy link to the pentagrams, so surely he'd just be making more people accustomed to seeing them? Meh, whatever.

Rant over. In other news, Switchfoot got postponed / cancelled *sniff*, so knowing my luck I'll probs be in Newcastle for when they reschedule their Europe tour.

For all you music lovers out there, I shall leave you with this:

"Nowadays, more people are worshipping their friends or their favorite music stars, and are calling themselves gods and goddesses. It won't be long before they all turn their attention on the Antichrist, and later, gnash and wail their teeth (Matthew 13:42) in the lake of fire (Revelations 20:15)."

Eat fruit. Own demons.