Danger Mouse 4eva

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

*Insert suitable catchy comeback title here*

Bet this caught you all by surprise. Anyway, umm, just a quickie really, coz I feel like it, & have spent yet another night at the computer getting less & less sleepy, until now, when I'm feeling wide awake... sigh. Ah first off - I'd just like to make it clear that I can't be arsed to relocate all my old pics. I still have them somewhere, so if I ever feel the need, I can, but not now.

Well, I've just watched a rather awesome 15min Zombie movie. You should ALL watch it. A low budget, highly amusing, suitably disgusting, Peter Jackson-esque film. In fact, it's produced or whatever by Peter Jackson's own lil company. Or big company by now, probs. Linky - now go! All of you! There's one catch, I'm afraid - you have to download a program called Steam in order to view it, but you shouldn't have to subscribe to / download anything else as far as I can remember, so if you have the connection, time & patience, do it ;) Now.

In other news, I'm quitting WoW, at last. Too was eating much it up time. My last subscribed day is tomorrow *sniff*. No fear though, I shall game on. Would rather play some more light hearted games I can pick up & stop whenever I like. Might stick up some nostalgic pics sometime :P

Now erm... spose I'm kinda meant to bridge the gap since my last blog, but err, maybe not. Everything's been fine, first year's gone pretty smoothly... umm yeah. On another note, I have Switchfoot tickets!!! Woo. Except no one to come with me *sob* Damn all ye who cannot make it - ye know who ye are, may ye burn in hell! So yeah, anyone who fancies coming, (for free), please apply here :P

Eat at Dish.