Danger Mouse 4eva

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Nice chez les Kohls

Hey y'all. Have been meaning to blog for ages now, think it's about time, since I'll be leaving the country very soon. First piece of (old) news: I'm now blogging on ma new 2Mb connection! :D w00t! It's all good.

Well, finished the job two weeks ago, got some more spending money. Not the way I'd want to spend too much more than a month. Especially since I ended up doing my supervisor's job as well, since he was on holiday & then off sick, so pretty busy. But that meant that any mail that came in, even if it had 'Strictly Private & Confidential' on it, if it wasn't properly addressed, then I had to open it to see what it was all about & where it was meant for. Suffice to say there are a few things that you probably didn't expect your parents taxes were going towards ;) ;)

On a more innocent note, in the time I was workin' in the County Hall post room (or one of them), the stamping machine got through about £10k worth of postage. So that's more than £2,500 a week - in the smallest post room in the building. Pft, waste of money, sending letters out to parents & crap, they should just not send anything for a week or two & invest the money in my gap year instead.

Anyway, that's all over, but I'll most probably be going back to Reed for some more work after I get back from France, since they seemed pretty good & give loadsa bonuses on top of the hourly rate. And plus the girls who work there are rather nice:P

My parents have been away this last week - up north lookin' at areas & houses. Yep, our house is on the market & we've already had a few lookers. The rents have always wanted to move up north once they'd both retired, & I'm now coincidentally going to Newcastle. So they'll be not too close - not in Newcastle, but probably close enough to send washing to every now & then:P Gonna miss this house though :( lived here my whole life. They'll probs end up getting a bungalow, since my dad's knees aren't so good, and are not likely to improve too much, even after the recent op.

Have been pretty darned busy the last week or so. I'm leaving for Nice this Sunday morning, and my dad had told me that my travel insurance was sorted. My mum knew better - to phone them up just to check, and - lo & behold, it hadn't been paid for. As you can imagine, travel & medical insurance for me takes a little longer to acquire & often costs more. So, being home alone, I had to send off a cheque myself & only just got the reply through the post yesterday. On top of that, I have my scuba diving expedition to organise. I'm on the verge of booking it - just gotta send off a form or two. I had to have a medical done by my GP, to say I was ok to dive - guess how much that costs? Nope it's not free, coz it's a holiday, so the NHS make you pay. An exorbitant one hundred and thirty two pounds! Just for a quick look in my ears & a couple of signatures. Sigh, nm, can't complain - I'll be going to Roatan - an island off Honduras (near Mexico). But more about that another time methinks:)

So now I've just gotta pack for France - will be away for 4 weeks: back mid-May. And I just got a lil leaving present from Prill :) A mini photo album thingy with pics of you guys in :D So I will forget you not. I'll be staying with a french couple out there - best way to do it I reckon. Then I'll be going into a language school in Nice every weekday. Am lookin' forward to it, just a little daunted at the prospect of being chucked in the deep end:P

Anyway, dunno what connection I'm gonna have access to out there, so if I post, then I post, we'll see:)

Eat more fruit.